Internal Examination Evaluation Process
The Internal evaluation process typically involves a combination of different assessment methods to evaluate a student’s academic progress and achievements. These methods may include:
- Assignments: Assignments are given to students throughout the semester to test their understanding of the course material and to evaluate their ability to apply it.
- Class Participation: Class participation may also be a part of the evaluation process. It evaluates a student’s engagement with the course material and their ability to contribute to class discussions.
- Tests and Exams: Tests and exams are a common way to evaluate a student’s comprehension of the course material. These may be mid-term or end-of-semester exams and may include objective questions, essay questions, or a combination of both.
- Projects: Projects are typically given to students as a more comprehensive evaluation of their understanding of the course material. These may be individual or group projects, and may involve research, analysis, and presentation of findings.
- Presentations: Presentations are another way to evaluate a student’s ability to communicate their ideas and demonstrate their understanding of the course material. These may be individual or group presentations.
The evaluation process includes attendance, which is mandatory and also factor into a student’s final grades. In addition, the evaluation process may include a final exam or project that evaluates a student’s overall understanding of the course material. The evaluation process in Shree Medha Degree College aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of a student’s academic progress and achievement, while also encouraging active participation in the learning process.
Under the new education policy, internal examinations will be more comprehensive and designed to assess not just a student’s knowledge but also their critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical abilities. The evaluation process will also include continuous and comprehensive assessments throughout the academic year rather than just a final exam.
Overall, the new education policy aims to make the evaluation process more student-centric, comprehensive, and focused on holistic development rather than just academic performance. However, the specific implementation of these changes may vary from institution to institution.
The evaluation process for internal examinations in Shree Medha degree colleges typically involves the following steps:
- Setting of Exam Papers: The faculty members of the concerned subject set the examination papers. They ensure that the papers cover the topics taught during the academic session and that the level of difficulty is appropriate for the students.
- Designing Scheme of Evaluation: The faculty members will design the SOE to evaluate the answer sheets and a copy is circulated to the students after conducting the exams for their reference to cross-check their answers.
- Conducting Exams: The exams are conducted according to the schedule decided by the college authorities. Students are provided with the necessary instructions and guidelines before the start of the exam.
- Answer Script Evaluation: After the exams, the answer scripts are evaluated by the respective faculty members. The evaluation process is done objectively, and the faculty members ensure that the answer scripts are evaluated based on the pre-decided marking scheme.
- Declaration of Results: After the evaluation process is completed, the results are declared by the college authorities. Students are informed of their marks, and the marks are also uploaded on the college website.
Guidelines for Continuous Internal Evaluation [CIE] as per NEP
The CIE will carry 40% weightage irrespective of its credits. Equal weightage should be given to all the Modules while conducting CIE. The evaluation system of the course is comprehensive & continuous during the entire period of the Semester. For a course, the CIE evaluation will be on the following parameters:
Sl No: |
Parameters for the Evaluation |
Marks |
1 |
Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) |
Assignment (s) |
08 Marks |
Seminar (s) |
08 Mark |
Attendance * |
08 Mark |
2 |
Internal Assessment Tests (IAT) |
16 Marks |
Total of CIE (A) |
40 Marks |
* Attendance
Up to 74.99 |
0 Mark |
75-77.99 |
02 Marks |
78-80.99 |
03 Marks |
81-83.99 |
04 Marks |
84-86.99 |
05 Marks |
87-89.99 |
06 Marks |
90-92.99 |
07 Marks |
93 and above |
08 Marks |
Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE): The CCE will carry a maximum of 16 % weightage (16 marks) of total marks of a course. Before the start of the academic session in each semester, a faculty member should choose for his/her course, minimum of four of the following assessment methods with four marks each:
- Individual Assignments
- Seminars/Class Room Presentations/ Quizzes
iii. Group Discussions /Class Discussion/ Group Assignments
- Case studies/Case lets
- Participatory & Industry-Integrated Learning/ Filed visits
- Practical activities / Problem Solving Exercises
vii. Participation in Seminars/ Academic Events/Symposia, etc.
viii. Mini Projects/Capstone Projects
- Any other academic activity
- Internal Assessment Tests (IAT): The IAT will carry a maximum of 40% weightage (40 marks) of total marks of a course, under this component, two tests will have to be conducted in a semester for 34 marks each and the same is to be scaled down to 16 marks each. The first internal assessment test is theoretical based and the second internal assessment is objective based test.
- In case of 50 percent of CIE weightage courses, faculty members can choose
Assessments methods accordingly for the required marks as mentioned above.
Template for IAT
Internal Assessment Test
Course Code: Duration: 1 Hours
Name of the Course: Total Marks: 34
Answer any Four of the following questions. (1 x 4 = 04 )
Answer any two of the following questions. (05 x 2= 10)
Answer any two of the following questions. (10 x 2= 20)
Overall, the evaluation process for internal examinations in degree colleges is designed to ensure fair and objective assessment of the students’ academic performance. It provides students with an opportunity to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and work towards improving their performance.
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