An Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee has been established by the college to provide a healthy atmosphere to the students of the college. Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee deals with issues relating to sexual harassment. The committee is formed to prevent sexual assault, rape and other related crimes on girl students.


  • To ensure safe working and teaching environment for women employees and girl students in the campus.
  • To handle women issues with sensitivity
  • To ensure justice to women employees in the organization within the campus
  • To resolve issues pertaining to sexual harassment of women and girls.
  • To provide a trustworthy platform for listening to complaints and redressal of grievances.

For this purpose, sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexually determined behavior (whether directly or by implication) such as:

  • Verbal or Physical threats.
  • Insulting, Abusive, Embarrassing or Patronizing behavior or Comments.
  • Offensive gestures, Language, Rumors, Gossip or Jokes.
  • Humiliating, Intimidating, Demeaning and/or Persistent criticism, Open hostility.
  • Suggestive comments or Body language.
  • Isolation or Exclusion from normal work or study place.
  • Publishing, Circulating or Displaying pornographic, Racist, sexually suggestive or Otherwise offensive pictures or other materials.

The following is also sexual harassment and is covered by the committee

  • Eve-teasing
  • Unsavoury remarks
  • Jokes causing or likely to cause awkwardness or embarrassment
  • Innuendos and taunts
  • Gender based insults or sexist remarks
  • Unwelcome sexual overtone in any manner such as over telephone (obnoxious telephone calls) and the like
  • Touching or brushing against any part of the body and the like
  • Displaying pornographic or other offensive or derogatory pictures, cartoons, pamphlets or sayings
  • Forcible physical touch or molestation
  • Physical confinement against one’s will and any other act likely to violate one’s privacy

Roles and Responsibilities of the Members

  • To create awareness amongst all faculty, staff and students regarding rules against sexual harassment of women.
  • To listen to the grievances of women faculty and girl students, if any.
  • To verify the complaints registered, if any, within a time frame.
  • To take disciplinary action, including reprimands, suspension or termination of membership.

Complaint Procedure

A member who feels that she has been harassed can approach the Members or the Chairman directly. Students can report their grievance to the Class Coordinators who can take the complaint further to the members. 


Any member found to have harassed another member or guest will be subject to appropriate disciplinary procedure action, including reprimands, suspension or termination of membership.

Complaint and Redressal Mechanism

  • When the grievance is reported to the Class coordinator, the coordinator will discuss it with the members of the committee and an appropriate solution will be found out within a week.
  • If not solved at this level, then a meeting will be called and discussion will take place.
  • The complainant will be summoned before the committee, if required.
  • After hearing the complaint, the committee members will discuss appropriate actions and after a majority consensus, decision will be taken accordingly.

Committee members:

  • The committee is presided by the principal


Mr K Ram Kiran


Mrs Vinutha HM


Dr U Shadakshari Gouda


Mrs Deepa


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Telephone : 9845270383, 9343501501
Adress: #3, Narayanappa Compound, Fort Main Rd, Ballari, Karnataka 583104 , 

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